Look at all these places you can visit from Lagor. You are spoilt for choice and we would be happy to advise you in relation to your personal interests: sports, culture, nature, fishing, walking …
Orthez and the lake of Biron: www.loisirs-orthez.com
Lourdes: www.lourdes-france.com
Biarritz: www.biarritz.fr
Pau: www.tourismepau.com
Oloron and its cathedral registered at UNESCO: www.oloron-ste-marie.fr
The Grottes de Bétharram: www.betharram.com
The Pyrenees: www.lespyrenees.net and www.pyrenees-photos.com
The golf courses in Pyrénées Atlantques: www.tourisme64.com, Go to "A voir, A faire", then click on "golf". In Pau-Billère there is the continent's very first golf course, created by the British in 1856, at 15 km distance you'll find the Golf of Salies de Béarn, 20 km the one of Artiguelouve, in Biarritz one created in 1888. In total, there are more than 10 golf courses in the region.